How to Handle Conflict in Your Workplace?

talk about it

How to handle conflict in your workplace?

In business, conflict is inevitable, especially when dealing with different people who have different personalities. It can be stressful, but how can you respond as a leader? How can you resolve the conflict without taking sides? How can you settle offenses without losing a part of your team? This is perhaps some of the questions you ask as a leader. 

Talk About The Conflict.

talk about it

The best thing to do to settle the conflict is to talk about it. Conflicts, if left undiscussed, could cause division within the team. As a leader, it is your responsibility to create a confrontation culture for your team not to fall apart. Confront the problem to resolve it. Be open to discuss what needs to be addressed. 



Listening to the other person is essential in resolving the conflict. If you are the one involved in the conflict, it is important to listen to the other person’s side and see the points that he has. Being the boss doesn’t mean that you are always right. You need to weigh things and not jump to conclusions or be overpowered by your emotions to settle things. It is essential to listen with an open mind to resolve the conflict. 

If you are trying to settle conflicts between your subordinates, you should listen to both sides as well. Both parties have something to say and know what actions to take to resolve the conflict; you need to listen and not take sides without hearing both sides. Do not react right away but practice listening first before responding.

Identify Points of Agreement and Disagreement.

point out

After hearing both sides, it’s time to identify which are the areas of agreement and disagreement. Ask both sides if they agree with your assessments and do not close the discussion after both parties acknowledge the areas that need to be worked out. By doing so, you’ll know what causes the conflict, and you’ll have the opportunity to settle it. 

Work on Each Conflict.

work it

Sometimes, everyone does not have to agree with everything as long as the team will agree to disagree. In the end, the company’s best interest should be prioritized in every decision. As a leader, your job is to create a plan in dealing with each conflict while considering what the best for the company is. It is not neglecting other member’s opinions but weighing things based on your goal as a company. 

Aside from that, making plans on how to resolve the conflict for the team’s unity and the company’s best is the best thing to do; you must follow through on those plans.  As you do it, both parties have to understand and be willing to know that you are working as a team at the end of the dam. It is essential to maintain a collaborative attitude among each one and work the solution out together.


Maintain The Culture of Honor.

let's do this

Despite the disagreement, it is your responsibility to maintain the honoring culture among your subordinate as a leader. Correction should be done in private but complement each one’s insights and honor what is done well in public. Everyone should welcome constructive criticism. By upholding such a culture, conflicts will be minimized in the workplace, creating a much peaceful working environment.

We do not want conflict, but conflict is a part of any company or organization. We cannot avoid it; however, we should find healthy ways to deal with it. As a leader, it is your responsibility to keep the working environment fit for your team to work at their best.


Key Takeaway.

It is always important to resolve conflicts in the workplace before it grows big. As the company leader, it is your responsibility to resolve each dispute and bring unity within the team.