Synthetic stucco, also known as Exterior Insulated Finish System (EIFS), was first used in Europe after the end of World War II to repair all the damaged commercial buildings in Berlin. Synthetic stucco eventually came over to the United States and was initially used on commercial properties. Eventually, builders began using synthetic stucco on residential properties. Synthetic Stucco can be very beautiful as well as low maintenance, durable and energy efficient. It really does not deserve the complete black eye reputation it has.
Synthetic stucco installation begins with attaching Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam panels to the plywood sheathing of the structure. A fiberglass or wire mesh is then attached to the foam. The stucco, which is an acrylic, rubber based product, is applied in one or two coats, and the final product is typically 1/16th to 1/8th inch thick.