Tag Archives: leadership 101

How To Overcome Difficulties in Business?


  Managing a business will not always be smooth sailing. Everyone who started one has experienced a lot of challenges in different aspects. And there will undoubtedly be difficulties that you have to overcome to succeed truly. Thus, overcoming challenges are not easy, but here are some tips that can help you with that: Analyze […]

What Are the Characteristics of a Great Leader?


When we hear the word leadership, many people think about position and influence. Many would want to have that role because positional leadership do have a lot of perks. You are the boss, people follow you, and you have the final say over every decision.  But not everyone realizes that with leadership comes responsibilities—huge responsibilities. […]

Why is Accountability Important to your Business?

Many may not realize it, but accountability plays a vital role in the health of your business as well as your employees. Without accountability, the workplace will be chaotic because people didn’t have to answer for their actions. It goes both to the employers and employees. Many employees struggle to align themselves with the direction […]

5 Tips for Becoming a Better Business Leader

All entrepreneurs can be better leaders in whatever businesses they are in. It is just a matter of realizing how vast their potentials are. Do not doubt yourself because you have great potential. Here are some of the ways to improve and be better as a leader this year: Challenge Yourself As an entrepreneur, you […]