Author Archives: TIB Marketing

Teaching vs Technology

  There is a huge difference between Teaching and Technology. However, here at The Inspection Boys, we blend Teaching and Technology together. Technology is changing the industry. The Real Estate Market is rapidly evolving. Programs, websites, and apps are simplifying many aspects of how people interact. Our goal at The Inspection Boys is to continually adapt to […]

Why is Marketing so Important for a Business?

If you ask anyone why marketing is so important for a business, people will tell you a variety of different things. The sole reason on why marketing is so important for a business is because it helps you sell your product and service. Everything we come into contact with on a daily basis needs to […]

Why You Should Invest In Our Home Inspection Franchise

Why you should invest in our Home Inspection Franchise Have you ever thought about changing your career and becoming a business owner? Than lets make that a reality! The Inspection Boys is the most inexpensive and reasonable Franchise Opportunity in the Home Inspection Arena. Why Home Inspections? The simple answer for this is 3 words. […]

Teachers Federal Credit Union First Time Home Buyers Meeting

On September 20th, 2018, Peter Cafaro of The Inspection Boys spoke in front of One Hundred and Twenty Five First Time Home Buyers! Peter was informative, motivated, and enthusiastic. Peter was educating people on what a home inspection is, what we look for, and how we inspect a home! Also, he was explaining our services […]

Franchise Dictionary Magazine – FDM – June 2018

Published on May 28, 2018 on by franchisedictionarymagazine Read More…

The Inspection Boys on the cover of Franchising USA Magazine

For those looking for a business with low startup costs, low to no overhead and constant demand, both Patch Boys and Inspection Boys offer a unique and lucrative opportunity.

The Inspection Boys delivers every new franchisee a membership in InterNACHI

April, 24, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: InterNACHI, the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Nick Gromicko and The Inspection Boys, Matthew Rivera and Leo Goldberger are joining forces to provide their franchisees a path to grow their businesses and experiences even more. The Inspection Boys is about to introduce a whole new way of creating […]

Mistakes buyers and sellers make with home inspections

What is a home inspection A home inspection is a mainly visual evaluation of a home’s condition. Home inspectors typically provide inspection services to determine the performance of the home. The inspection isn’t just about identifying problems with the house. A thorough inspector considers the appointment a master class in your new home. “We want […]