How to Prepare for Your First Year as a Home Inspector

For a good reason, many people aspire to be home inspectors. Inspectors have the potential to be their employers, which is both exciting and gratifying. However, in their first year of inspecting, potential inspectors may misinterpret the job and what it requires. Initial Investment Startup costs are another aspect that can significantly impact how soon […]

Why Do You Need to Consider Starting a Home Inspection Business?

As a businessman, you should consider getting a profitable and long-lasting business. Considering a Home Inspection business is an excellent move for that. A Home Inspection business is a company that gives thorough inspections of the exteriors and interiors of a house. Clients could be home sellers, home buyers and homeowners. It’s a pretty good […]

The Inspection Boys is Recognized as FranServe 2022 FRAN-TASTIC 500

With our excellent home inspection services, The Inspection Boys has been recognized and awarded by different organizations. These recognitions have proven our quality home inspection performance throughout the years. It is a great honor and privilege for our hard work to be recognized by our clients and even by these reputable organizations. The Inspection Boys […]

Five Steps to Rally Your Team Around a Common Goal

All the team members need to be on the same page as a team. Every member should be united toward a common goal. Failing to define what constitutes the finish line may cause disunity and, worse, failure.  As a leader, it is your call to inspire every team member to achieve objectives and overcome inevitable […]

What Kind of a Leader Are You?

What Kind of a Leader Are You?  As a business owner, you must lead your team. Individuals lead all successful businesses with good leadership skills. A good leader will direct both the business and its workers into a glorious path. How do you lead your team? What kind of a leader are you? There are […]

5 Tips in Developing your Team


Developing the team is part of leadership. As a leader, we sometimes tend to do everything on our own. Sometimes we are hesitant to give our team bigger tasks because of a lack of trust. We are afraid that they might commit mistakes. Sadly, that may lead to micromanagement.  However, as a leader, you have […]

The Inspection Boys—Top 100 Home Service Franchises from Franchise Connect Magazine

The Inspection Boys got featured in Franchise Connect Top 100 Home Franchises 2022.

For the past years, The Inspection Boys has received recognition and awards from different organizations. It only speaks of one thing—The Inspection Boys have gained the respect and excellent reputation for its superb home inspection services. It’s incredible to be recognized by everyone around you. It is also a great honor and privilege because not […]

How to Show Appreciation to Your Employees?


Your employees are the ones who keep your business running; that is why the role they play in your business is very significant. They deserve to be appreciated, and they deserve more than a “thank you.”  When your employees feel appreciated, it boosts their engagement, retention, productivity, and morale. They will all the more love […]

How to Prepare Your Business This 2022?

The pandemic has affected many businesses. Due to the mandatory lockdowns and quarantines, many businesses suffered a loss. As the months went by, many businesses have adjusted and have adapted to keep their operations. On the other hand, others have struggled and are still struggling to keep up with all the transitions. 2020 was a […]

Five Reasons Why You Must Have a Home Inspection

A home inspection is an integral part of homeownership. Whether you are a home buyer or seller, a home inspection should be prioritized. If you are a homeowner, a home inspection is a must to protect your property. Unfortunately, your house deteriorates over time. That’s why it is essential to consider an annual home inspection […]

How to Deal With Customers?

The customers are your company’s most vital asset. Without their patronage, your business will not exist. This is the reason why you have to deal with them properly. In reality, it is easy to attract new customers with your unique products, freebies, or low price. However, customers will always seek good customer service. You have […]

How to Create a Mentoring Culture at Work?

Creating a mentoring culture goes beyond just running mentoring programs. While programs are good ways to uphold it, mentoring fosters learning, knowledge sharing, and personal development, which programs alone cannot achieve. Mentoring should be a part of the overall organizational culture, and it takes time, intentionality in planning, and the leadership team’s support. It should […]

Why Should You Consider Home Inspection?

It is essential for both the buyer and seller to know the house’s full status before making any big decisions during the home buying or selling process. In addition, a home inspection helps both the buyer and seller have a smoother negotiation during the process.  If you have second thoughts in giving home inspection a […]