Category Archives: home inpsector

Franchise Dictionary Magazine – FDM – December 2018

Brigitte Malik was featured in the December 2018 issue of Franchise Dictionary Magazine for The Inspection Boys of Nassau. Brigitte is breaking the stereotypes and she is running The Inspection Boys of Nassau and her location is booming! Way to go Brigitte and Congratulations. Published on December 1, 2018 on by franchisedictionarymagazine

Teaching vs Technology

  There is a huge difference between Teaching and Technology. However, here at The Inspection Boys, we blend Teaching and Technology together. Technology is changing the industry. The Real Estate Market is rapidly evolving. Programs, websites, and apps are simplifying many aspects of how people interact. Our goal at The Inspection Boys is to continually adapt to […]

Why is Marketing so Important for a Business?

If you ask anyone why marketing is so important for a business, people will tell you a variety of different things. The sole reason on why marketing is so important for a business is because it helps you sell your product and service. Everything we come into contact with on a daily basis needs to […]