Spring is just around the corner! The weather is changing (for the better), Daylight Saving’s Time is this month which means it will get darker later and later each day and The Inspection Boys are ready for the month of March! During this time, it is a good idea to check your home inside and out for any repairs/maintenance that needs to be done while the warmer weather starts to head our way! Some things you can check around your home is:
- Clean your gutters from any debris that may have made it’s way up there from the winter.
- Start preparing your yard and your lawn care equipment. Doing this early enough will avoid any headaches you may encounter in the season.
- Start cleaning and power washing your siding, decks, porches, etc. Doing this will give you a jump start and bring those gathering areas life before the Spring comes.
- Check the caulking around the windows, and doors. Doing this will prevent any drafty airways and prevent any unwanted water to enter your home.
- Inspect your driveway, walkways, patios, decks, handrails, etc for any damage that may have been doing during the winter and repair if needed. Doing this will ensure a safe environment for your family, friends, and pets.
- Clean the garage from any unwanted clutter that you used as a storage facility during the winter.
- Start preparing your AC unit for the Spring and Summer. As quickly as the weather can change in the Fall and Winter, it can change even quicker in the Spring and Summer.
- Check your roof for any damages that may have been done during the winter and have a professional repair any damages if needed.
These are just a few things you can do to improve the quality of your home for you and your family during the month of March!