We are in the midst of the fall season and The Inspection Boys are ready for the month of November! During this time, it is a good idea to check your home inside and out for any repairs/maintenance that needs to be done before the winter. Some things you can check around your home is:
- Check and clean your dryer vents for any build up. This is a potential fire hazard.
- Make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are in working order and replace if needed.
- Check your driveway and walkway for any gaps and cracks that can be hazardous for you and your family and repair any if needed.
- Check your snow blower and get it serviced before the snow falls.
- Stock up on snow removal equipment (shovels, ice melt, de-icer, ice scrapers, etc).
- Clean and maintain your yard regularly (Raking leaves, cleaning the gutters, etc).
- Use weather seal or weather stripping on drafty windows and/or doors.
These are just a few things you can do to improve the quality of your home for you and your family during the month of November.